Smartinsko lake | BUY LICENCE
The lake Šmartinsko jezero is the current record holder for the biggest (heaviest) carp ever caught in Slovenia which weighs 34,60 kg. It was caught and released in November 2013.
The lake Šmartinsko jezero was created in 1970. It can be reached from various directions and spreads on 113 ha of water surfaces – that makes it one of the largest artificial lakes in Slovenia. The average depth is somewhere between 4 and 6m and it was measured in the vicinity of the peninsula Brezova. The water near the dam and the barrier is between 8 and 9m deep.
The lake is home to carps, white grass carps, grey silver carps, tenches, common rudds, roaches, bleaks, common breams, silver breams, catfish, zanders and pikes.
POSSIBILITY OF FISHING: bleak, catfish, common bream, common carp, common rudd, grass carp, perch, pike, roach, silver bream, silver carp, tench, zander
TYPE OF FISHING: boat angling, bottom fishing, float fishing, spin fishing
ALLOWED BAITS: artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
TYPE OF WATER: standing water
Gajsevsko lake | BUY LICENCE
The lake Gajševsko jezero is our biggest and richest fishing district and also the most visited one. It is home to many predatory fish, mostly to zanders and catfish, a little less to pikes but you can find large quantities of carps here which spawn very succesfully last few years. The number of young fish is huge and we also put in extra quantities every year. You can catch numerous silver carps, common breams, roaches, perch or bleaks here. One part of the lake (10 ha) is a fish reservation and is suitably marked. The total surface of the lake is 68 ha.
POSSIBILITY OF FISHING: bleak, catfish, common bream, common carp, crucian carp, European chub, grass carp, perch, pike, roach, zander
TYPE OF FISHING: bottom fishing, float fishing, spin fishing
ALLOWED BAITS: artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin, boilies, plug, silicone bait
TYPE OF WATER: standing water
Slivnisko lake | BUY LICENCE
The lake Slivniško jezero was made in 1976 when the barrier Tratna was built. The fishing family Voglajna has started managing the fishlife in the following year. Many different fish species were put in the lake: grass carp, silver bream, gibel carp, asp, ide, chub, crucian carp, carp, tench, perch, common bream, common nase, common roach, common rudd, zander, catfish, pike, silver carp and bleak. They all adapted pretty well due to the plenty of food the reed offers. In November 2013 the largest freshwater fish in Slovenia has been caught here. it was a catfish, 255 cm long and 95 kg heavy.
POSSIBILITY OF FISHING: asp, bleak, catfish, common bream, common carp, common nase, common rudd, crucian carp, European chub, gibel carp, grass carp, ide, perch, pike, roach, silver bream, silver carp, tench
TYPE OF FISHING: bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
ALLOWED BAITS: artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
TYPE OF WATER: standing water
Mola lake | BUY LICENCE
The lake Mola is situated on the banks of the Brkini hills under the village Soze near Ilirska Bistrica. It is four km long. In the heart of the unblemished nature that surrounds it, far away from city jungle it calls you to come visit and live it. You will be additionally charmed by fishing lodge that stands on its shore.There you can choose among the cold or warm drinks from the vending machine. Or you can rent its ground floor (nicely decorated hall with kitchen) for organization od various social events. The lodge has three rooms with eight beds, three toilets, bathroom, kitchen, free Wi-Fi and a great hall that is suitable for different activities. The lake offers you the unique and exciting fishing for some first class carps, grass carps, pikes and zanders. On the lake Mola there is also a carp district where we fish only by principle Catch and Release. That’s why we arranged 15 fishing spots in the length of 2 km on the carp course. There you can also camp while fishing.
POSSIBILITY OF FISHING: catfish, common carp, european chub, grass carp, Italian Chub, pike, zander
TYPE OF FISHING: boat angling, bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
ALLOWED BAITS: artificial baits, artificial fly, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin, boilies, bread, briquettes, cheese, corn, fish part, float fishing baits, silicone bait, streamer
TYPE OF WATER: standing water
Vogrscek lake | BUY LICENCE
The lake Vogršček is approximately 4 km long reservoir situated near Šempas. It was made in 1988 for the needs of irrigation of the valley Vipavska dolina and for protection from the high waters.Due to excellent conditions (higher temperatures) and constant putting in of fish the lake is full of large and feisty fish:carps, pikes and tenches. You can find the lake on the left side of the highway Ajdovščina – Nova Gorica. All of you, who want to test your fishing skills in beautiful nature and in company of friendly locals, are most welcome.
POSSIBILITY OF FISHING: catfish, common bream, common carp, European chub, gibel carp, grass carp, Italian Chub, perch, pike, tench, zander
TYPE OF FISHING: boat angling, bottom fishing, float fishing, spin fishing
ALLOWED BAITS: artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
TYPE OF WATER: standing water
Pristava pond | BUY LICENCE
Smaller pond, close to Ljubljana. Perfect for shorter carp fishing campaigns.
POSSIBILITY OF FISHING: catfish, common carp, common rudd, European chub, grass carp, pike, silver carp, zander
TYPE OF FISHING: bottom fishing, float fishing, spin fishing
ALLOWED BAITS: artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
TYPE OF WATER: standing water
“At the Barn” gravel pit | BUY LICENCE
Gorgeously preserved gravel pit, full of carps and grass carps. The district is located near Gornja Radgona town, close to the Austrian border.
POSSIBILITY OF FISHING: bleak, catfish, common carp, common rudd, crucian carp, European chub, grass carp, ide, roach, silver carp, tench
TYPE OF FISHING: bottom fishing, float fishing
ALLOWED BAITS: baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin
TYPE OF WATER: standing water
Trzec gravel pit | BUY LICENCE
The fishing district Gramoznica Tržec is situated in the gravel pit between the villages Videm, Tržec and Lancova vas. The total water surface of this district is approximately 8,5 ha.
The gravel pit Tržec is a district that is particularly meant for the fishing of first class fish specimens in catch&release style. Some smaller carps, common breams and smallfish are being put in every year but we strive to put in some first class specimens as well. The gravel pit Tržec is so called “open” water where our members fish without buying the daily ticket. The managers of this district make sure everything is in order and work as fishing wards as well.
POSSIBILITY OF FISHING: catfish, common bream, common carp, grass carp, pike, silver carp, tench
TYPE OF FISHING: bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
ALLOWED BAITS: artificial baits, baits of animal origin, baits of plant origin, boilies, briquettes, corn, plug, silicone bait, spoon lures, streamer
TYPE OF WATER: standing water
Iscica river | BUY LICENCE
The Iščica is an enchanting valley carst river . You can peacefully fish for big carps and pikes, beautiful Danube roaches and small fish. The fish from the Iščica are extremely big, wild and feisty so the district is recommended to the most advanced fishermen.
POSSIBILITY OF FISHING: barbel, bleak, brown trout, catfish, common bream, common carp, common nase, common rudd, Danube roach, European chub, grass carp, grayling, perch, pike, rainbow trout, roach, tench, zander
TYPE OF FISHING: boat angling, bottom fishing, float fishing, fly fishing, spin fishing
ALLOWED BAITS: artificial baits, artificial fly, baits of plant origin, boilies, bread, briquettes, cheese, composting worm, corn, float fishing baits, fruit, water moss
TYPE OF WATER: running water